Ninja Moves 应用

Science Trivia - Level Up 2.3.3e
Ninja Moves
Are you fond of exciting facts and tidbitsofknowledge about the amazing world of science? Then, this gameisfor you! You will surely have fun while learning! Plus,extrabragging rights for getting ahead at the levels! Play now andsharewith your friends!GAME FEATURES:1. New users will receive coins2. Expose a letter and remove a letter options3. Solve the question option is available4. You can tweet and watch video clips to earn coins.5. Difficulty range level is from Grades 1 to Grade 7You think that science quiz questions for grades 1 to 7 aretooeasy? Test your skills now!
Pinoy Sikat 2.1.4e
Ninja Moves
Known Filipinos from politics, showbusiness,media men, criminals, public figures, and even normalpeople whobecome known and are 'SIKAT' in the Philippines in anymanner. Ifyou are updated with current events and are a true blueFilipino,then this game is for you! Prove your knowledge for extrabraggingrights!Download and play now!
Pictionary Češka 2.1.5b
Ninja Moves
Jste slovo génius? Pak tato hra je pro vás!Pictionary je slovo puzzle hra, která pomáhá zlepšitkreativitu,slovní zásobu a logiku. Je to vzrušující hra zobrazeno 4fotografiízobrazujících 1 slovo společného. Je to obraz a slovníkhry v 1!Zkušenosti osobně, proč tato hra je tak úžasné! Zapojte sedozábavy a hrát teď!★ vzrušující puzzle s každou novou úroveň! ★Odemknout další úroveň tím, že odhalí skryté slovo zaobrazem!★ Žádné problémy A skryté poplatky! ★Žádná složitá pravidla a kroky, žádná registrace, žádné poplatkyapoplatky! Jen čistá zábava a učení!★ Učte se a bavte se! ★Není to jen nejvyšší čas, ale tato hra stimuluje mozek azlepšujelogiku zjistit skryté slovo v obraze!Are you a wordgenius?Then this game is for you!Pictionary is a word puzzle game that helps improvecreativity,vocabulary and logic. It's an exciting game shows fourphotographsdepicting one word in common. It is the image andvocabulary gamesin 1! Experience in person why this game is soawesome! Join in thefun and play now! ★ exciting puzzle with each new level! ★Unlock the next level by revealing the hidden words behindthepicture! ★ any problems and hidden charges! ★No complicated rules and steps, no registration, no feesandcharges! Just pure fun and learning! ★ Learn and have fun! ★It's not just about time, but this game stimulates the brainandimproves logic to detect the hidden word in the picture!
Encantadiks 2016 Trivia 2.7.5b
Ninja Moves
Kilalanin ang mga Sang'gre ng Panta-SeryengEncantadia:1. Ynang Reyna Mine-a2. Sang'gre Pirena3. Sang'gre Amihan II4. Sang'gre Alena5. Sang'gre Danaya6. Sang'gre Lira7. Sang'gre Mira8. Cassiopea9. Sang'gre Adhara10. Sang'gre Amihan IAng mga Diwata:1. Aquil2. Muros3. Hitano4. Ades5. Gurna6. Lirean soldierKilalanin ang lambanang si Muyak, mga prinsipe at mga tao ngSapiro, ang mga Mandirigma, mga Ascano, mga taga Hathoria atAdamyan. Kilalanin din ang mga Mulawin at alamin ang Mundo ng mgatao.Encantadiks... Laro na!
Encantadiks Türk 2.1.4b
Ninja Moves
Panta serisi Encantadia ofSang'gretespit:1. Ynang Queen Mine-a2. Sang'gre Pirena3. Sang'gre Breeze II4. Alena Sang'gre5. Sang'gre Danaya6. Sang'gre Lira7. Sang'gre Mira8. Parlayan9. Sang'gre Adhara10. Sang'gre BreezePeri:1. xumlips2. Muros3. çingene4. Ades5. Gurna6. Lirean askerTespit lambanang oldu Muyak, prensler ve Sapphire,Warrior,Ascano, denetçiler ve Hathoria Adamyan halkı. Mulanı tanırveDünyanın İnsanlar bulabilirsiniz.Encantadiks ... oyunu!
Encantadiks Spanish 2.5.4b
Ninja Moves
Identificar Sang'gre dePanta-serieEncantadia:1. Ynang Queen Mine-A2. Sang'gre Pirena3. Sang'gre Breeze II4. Alena Sang'gre5. Sang'gre Danaya6. Sang'gre Lira7. Mira Sang'gre8. Resplandeciente9. Sang'gre Adhara10. Me Sang'gre BreezeEl Hada:1. xumlips2. Muros3. gitana4. Ades5. Gurna6. soldado LireanIdentificar lambanang era Muyak, príncipes y el pueblo dezafiro,el Guerrero, el Ascano, auditores y Hathoria Adamyan.Reconocer elMulan y encontrar la gente del mundo.Encantadiks ... juego!
Encantadiks Cestina 2.1.4b
Ninja Moves
Identifikovat Sang'gre fantasysérieEncantadia:1. Ynang Královna Mine-a2. Sang'gre Pirena3. Sang'gre Breeze II4. Alena Sang'gre5. Sang'gre Danaya6. Sang'gre Lira7. Sang'gre Mira8. Zářící9. Sang'gre Adhara10. I Sang'gre BreezeVíla:1. xumlips2. Muros3. gypsy4. Ades5. Gurna6. Lirean vojákIdentifikovat lambanang byl Muyak, knížata a lidéSapphire,bojovník, na Ascano, auditory a Hathoria Adamyan.Rozpoznat Mulan anajít lidi ve světě.Encantadiks ... hra!Identify Sang'grefantasyseries Encantadia:First Ynang Queen Mine-aSecond Sang'gre Piren3rd Sang'gre Breeze IIAlena fourth Sang'gre5th Sang'gre Danaya6th Sang'gre Lira7th Sang'gre Mira8th Shining9th Sang'gre Adhara10. Even Sang'gre BreezeFairy:first xumlips2. Muros3rd gypsy4th Ades5th GurnLirean sixth soldierIdentify lambanang was Muyak, princes and peopleSapphire,fighter, on Ascani, auditors and Hathoria Adamyan. Mulanrecognizeand find people in the world.Encantadiks ... game!
Encantadiks Romanian 2.1.4b
Ninja Moves
Să identifice Sang'gre din seriafantezieencantadia:1. Ynang Regina Mina-o2. Sang'gre Pirena3. Sang'gre Breeze II4. Alena Sang'gre5. Sang'gre Danaya6. Sang'gre Lira7. Sang'gre Mira8. Glowing9. Sang'gre Adhara10. I Sang'gre BreezeFairy:1. xumlips2. muros3. țigancă4. Ades5. Gurna6. soldat LireanSă identifice lambanang a fost Muyak, prinți și oameni desafir,Warrior, The Ascano, auditori și Hathoria Adamyan. Sărecunoască șisă găsească Mulan oamenii lumii.Encantadiks ... joc!Identify fantasyseriesEncantadia Sang'gre of:1. Ynang a Queen Mine2. Sang'gre pyrene3. Sang'gre Breeze II4. Alena Sang'gre5. Sang'gre Danaya6. Sang'gre Lira7. Sang'gre Mira8. Glowing9. Sang'gre Adhara10. I Sang'gre BreezeFairy:1. xumlips2. muros3. gypsy4. Ades5. Gurna6. soldier LireanIdentify lambanang was Muyak, princes and people ofsapphire,Warrior, The Ascano, auditors and Hathor Adamyan. Torecognize andfind Mulan world's people.Encantadiks ... game!
Encantadiks Italiano 2.1.4b
Ninja Moves
Identificare Sang'gre di Encantadia:1. Ynang Queen Mine-a2. Sang'gre Pirena3. Sang'gre Breeze II4. Alena Sang'gre5. Sang'gre Danaya6. Sang'gre Lira7. Sang'gre Mira8. ardore9. Sang'gre Adhara10. I Sang'gre BreezeLa Fata:1. xumlips2. Muros3. gypsy4. Ades5. Gurna6. soldato LireanIdentificare lambanang era Muyak, i principi e le personediSapphire, il Guerriero, il Ascano, revisori dei conti eHathoriaAdamyan. Riconoscere il Mulan e trovare le persone delmondo.Encantadiks ... gioco!
Encantadiks Português 2.2.4b
Ninja Moves
Identificar Sang'gre de Encantadia:1. Ynang Queen Mine-a2. Sang'gre Pirena3. Sang'gre Breeze II4. Alena Sang'gre5. Sang'gre Danaya6. Sang'gre Lira7. Sang'gre Mira8. incandescência9. Sang'gre Adhara10. Eu Sang'gre BreezeA fada:1. xumlips2. Muros3. cigana4. Ades5. Gurna6. soldado LireanIdentificar lambanang foi Muyak, príncipes e pessoas deSapphire,o guerreiro, o Ascano, auditores e Hathoria Adamyan.Reconhecer aMulan e encontrar pessoas do mundo.Encantadiks ... jogo!
Encantadiks Français 2.1.4b
Ninja Moves
Identifier Sang'gre dePanta-sérieEncantadia:1. Ynang Reine Mine-un2. Sang'gre Pirena3. Sang'gre Breeze II4. Alena Sang'gre5. Sang'gre Danaya6. Sang'gre Lira7. Sang'gre Mira8. Glowing9. Sang'gre Adhara10. Je Sang'gre BreezeLa Fée:1. xumlips2. Muros3. gypsy4. Ades5. Gurna6. soldat LireanIdentifier lambanang était Muyak, princes et les gensdeSapphire, le guerrier, le Ascano, les auditeurs etHathoriaAdamyan. Reconnaître le Mulan et trouver les gens de cemonde.Encantadiks ... jeu!IdentifySang'grePanta-series Encantadia:1. Ynang Queen Mine-a2. Sang'gre Pirena3. Sang'gre Breeze II4. Alena Sang'gre5. Sang'gre Danaya6. Sang'gre Lira7. Sang'gre Mira8. Glowing9. Sang'gre Adhara10. I Sang'gre BreezeFairy:1. xumlips2. Muros3. gypsy4. Ades5. Gurna6. Lirean soldierIdentify lambanang was Muyak, princes and people of Sapphire,thewarrior, the Ascano, auditors and Hathoria Adamyan. Mulanrecognizeand find the people of this world.Encantadiks ... game!
Encantadiks Hungarian 2.3.5b
Ninja Moves
Ismerje meg a Princess of Fantasy-sorozatEncantadia:1. Ynang királynő Mine-a2. Sang'gre Pirena3. Sang'gre Breeze II4. Alena Sang'gre5. Sang'gre Danaya6. Sang'gre líra7. Sang'gre Mira8. izzó9. Sang'gre Adhara10. I Sang'gre BreezeA Fairy:1. xumlips2. Muros3. cigány4. Ades5. Gurna6. Lirean katonaHatározza lambanang volt Muyak, hercegek és az emberek Sapphire, aHarcos, a Ascano, könyvvizsgálók és Hathoria Adamyan. Elismerik aMulan, és megtalálja a világ népességének.Encantadiks ... játék!Meet the Princess ofFantasy series Encantadia:1. Ynang the Queen Mine2. Sang'gre pyrene3. Sang'gre Breeze II4. Alena Sang'gre5. Sang'gre Danaya6. Sang'gre Lira7. Sang'gre Mira8. bulb9. Sang'gre Adhara10. I Sang'gre BreezeThe Fairy:1. xumlips2 Muros3. Roma4. Ades5. Gurna6 lire soldierDetermine lambanang was Muyan, princes and people Sapphire, theWarrior, the ASCANI, auditors and Hathoria Adamy. Recognize theMulan and find the world's population.Encantadiks ... game!
Наруто Поклонники Пустяки 2.1.4e
Ninja Moves
Following the life of Naruto is fun.FromNaruto, when he was born to Naruto Shippuden where he growtobecome stronger and fought countless enemies. Shippuden is abouttoend and a new episode is coming, where Naruto marrying Hinataandhaving a baby named Boruto. In this new chapter, we willencounternew shinobi and ninjas, new skills and ninjutsu, newweapons andstrategy of warfare.Try this game. It is full of fun. Download now and let usplaytogether!
Ultimate Naruto Fans Guide 2.6.5e
Ninja Moves
Following the life of Naruto is fun.FromNaruto, when he was born to Naruto Shippuden where he growtobecome stronger and fought countless enemies. Shippuden is abouttoend and a new episode is coming, where Naruto marrying Hinataandhaving a baby named Boruto. In this new chapter, we willencounternew shinobi and ninjas, new skills and ninjutsu, newweapons andstrategy of warfare.Try this game. It is full of fun. Download now and let usplaytogether!
Pictionary 2.4.5b
Ninja Moves
Are you a a word genius? Then this game is foryou!Pictionary is a word puzzle game which helps improve creativity,vocabulary, and logic. It is an exciting game showing 4 picturesdepicting 1 word in common. It’s a picture and dictionary game in1! Experience personally why this game is so amazing! Join the funand play now!★EXCITING PUZZLES WITH EACH NEW LEVEL!★Unlock the next level by revealing the hidden word behind thepicture!★NO HASSLE AND HIDDEN CHARGES!★No complicated rules and steps, no registrations, no fees andcharges! Just pure fun and learning!★LEARN AND HAVE FUN!★Not just a past time but this game stimulates the brain andimproves logic to find out the hidden word in the picture!
Encantadiks Indonesia 2.1.5b
Ninja Moves
Mengidentifikasi Sang'gre Fantasy SeriesofEncantadia:1. Ynang Queen Mine-a2. Sang'gre Pirena3. Sang'gre Breeze II4. Alena Sang'gre5. Sang'gre Danaya6. Sang'gre Lira7. Sang'gre Mira8. Glowing9. Sang'gre Adhara10. Saya Sang'gre BreezePeri:1. xumlips2. Muros3. gypsy4. Ades5. Gurna6. tentara LireanMengidentifikasi lambanang adalah Muyak, pangeran danorang-orangdari Sapphire, Warrior, yang Ascano, auditor danHathoria Adamyan.Kenali Mulan dan menemukan Manusia di Dunia.Encantadiks ... game!IdentifyingSang'greFantasy Series of Encantadia:1. Queen Mine to consumption-a2. Sang'gre pyrene3. Sang'gre Breeze II4. Alena Sang'gre5. Sang'gre Danaya6. Sang'gre Lira7. Sang'gre Mira8. Glowing9. Sang'gre Adhara10. I Sang'gre BreezeFairy:1. xumlips2. Muros3. gypsy4. Ades5. Gurna6. army LireanIdentifying lambanang is Muyak, princes and people ofSapphire,Warrior, which Ascano, auditors and Hathoria Adamyan.RecognizeMulan and find the Man in the World.Encantadiks ... game!
Словарь с картинками 2.1.4b
Ninja Moves
Вы слово гений? Тогда эта игра для вас!Pictionary (Изображение и словарь) это словоигра-головоломка,которая помогает улучшить творческие способности,словарный запас,и логику. Это захватывающая игра, показывающая 4фотографии,изображающие 1 слово в общем. Это картинка и словарьигры в 1! Опытлично, почему эта игра так удивительно!Присоединяйтесь к веселью ииграть сейчас!★ УВЛЕКАТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАГАДКИ С каждым новым уровнем! ★Разблокировка следующий уровень, открывая скрытое словозакартину!★ NO ПЕРЕБРАНКИ и скрытых платежей! ★Никаких сложных правил и шагов, никаких регистраций, никакихсборови платежей! Просто чистое удовольствие и обучения!★ учиться и получать удовольствие! ★Не только в прошлый раз, но эта игра стимулирует мозг иулучшаетлогику, чтобы выяснить скрытое слово на картинке!★★★Vy slovo geniy? Togda eta igra dlya vas!Pictionary (Изображение и словарь) eto slovoigra-golovolomka,kotoraya pomogayet uluchshit' tvorcheskiyesposobnosti, slovarnyyzapas, i logiku. Eto zakhvatyvayushchayaigra, pokazyvayushchaya 4fotografii, izobrazhayushchiye 1 slovo vobshchem. Eto kartinka islovar' igry v 1! Opyt lichno, pochemu etaigra tak udivitel'no!Prisoyedinyaytes' k vesel'yu i igrat'seychas!★ UVLEKATEL'NAYA (ZAGADKI) PUZZLES S kazhdym novym urovnem! ★Razblokirovka sleduyushchiy uroven', otkryvaya skrytoye slovozakartinu!★ NO PEREBRANKI i skrytykh platezhey! ★Nikakikh slozhnykh pravil i shagov, nikakikh registratsiy,nikakikhsborov i platezhey! Prosto chistoye udovol'stviyeiobucheniya!★ uchit'sya i poluchat' udovol'stviye! ★Ne tol'ko v proshlyy raz, no eta igra stimuliruyet mozgiuluchshayet logiku, chtoby vyyasnit' skrytoye slovonakartinke!Are you a wordgenius?Then this game is for you!Pictionary (Image and dictionary) is a word puzzle gamethathelps improve creativity, vocabulary and logic. This excitinggamefeaturing 4 photos depicting one word in common. This is apictureand vocabulary games in 1! Experience in person why thisgame is soamazing! Join in the fun and play now! ★ EXCITING PUZZLE With each new level! ★Unlock the next level by opening the hidden word forthepicture! ★ NO HASSLE and hidden fees! ★No complicated rules and steps, no registration, no feesandcharges! Just pure fun and learning! ★ learn and have fun! ★Not only in the last time, but this game stimulates the brainandimproves the logic to find the hidden word in the picture!★★★Vy slovo geniy? Togda eta igra dlya vas!Pictionary (Image and vocabulary) eto slovoigra-golovolomka,kotoraya pomogayet uluchshit 'tvorcheskiyesposobnosti, slovarnyyzapas, i logiku. Eto zakhvatyvayushchayaigra, pokazyvayushchaya 4fotografii, izobrazhayushchiye 1 slovo vobshchem. Eto kartinka islovar 'igry v 1! Opyt lichno, pochemu etaigra tak udivitel'no!Prisoyedinyaytes 'k vesel'yu i igrat'seychas! ★ UVLEKATEL'NAYA (ZAGADKI) PUZZLES S kazhdym novym urovnem! ★Razblokirovka sleduyushchiy uroven ', otkryvaya skrytoye slovozakartinu! ★ NO PEREBRANKI i skrytykh platezhey! ★Nikakikh slozhnykh pravil i shagov, nikakikh registratsiy,nikakikhsborov i platezhey! Prosto chistoye udovol'stviyeiobucheniya! ★ uchit'sya i poluchat 'udovol'stviye! ★Ne tol'ko v proshlyy raz, no eta igra stimuliruyet mozgiuluchshayet logiku, chtoby vyyasnit 'skrytoye slovonakartinke!
Pictionary Spanish 2.2.5b
Ninja Moves
¿Es usted un genio de una palabra?Entonceseste juego es para tí!Pictionary es un juego de rompecabezas de la palabra que ayudaamejorar la creatividad, el vocabulario y la lógica. Es unjuegoemocionante que muestra imágenes que representan 4 1 palabraencomún. Es una imagen y un diccionario de juegos en 1!Laexperiencia personalmente por qué este juego es tanincreíble!Unirse a la diversión y el juego ahora!★ rompecabezas emocionante con cada nuevo nivel! ★Desbloquear el siguiente nivel mediante la revelación de lapalabraoculta detrás de la imagen!★ Sin complicaciones y cargos ocultos! ★No hay reglas complicadas y pasos, no hay registros, no haytarifasy cargos! sólo pura diversión y aprendizaje!★ aprender y divertirse! ★No es sólo un tiempo pasado, pero este juego estimula el cerebroymejora la lógica para descubrir la palabra oculta enlaimagen!Are you a genius ofaword? Then this game is for you!Pictionary is a game of word puzzle that helps improvecreativity,vocabulary and logic. It is an exciting game that showsimagesrepresenting April 1 word in common. It is an image andadictionary of games in 1! Experience for yourself why this gameisso awesome! Join the fun and play now! ★ exciting puzzle with each new level! ★Unlock the next level by revealing the hidden word behindtheimage! ★ No complications and hidden charges! ★There are no complicated rules and steps, no records, no feesandcharges! just pure fun and learning! ★ learn and have fun! ★It is not just a past time, but this game stimulates the brainandimproves logic to discover the word hidden in the picture!
صورة قاموس العربية 2.1.5b
Ninja Moves
هل أنت كلمة عبقري؟ ثم هذه اللعبة هو لك!Pictionary هي لعبة لغز كلمة مما يساعد على تحسين الإبداع،والمفردات،والمنطق. انها لعبة مثيرة تظهر 4 الصور التي تصور 1 كلمةمشتركة. انهاصورة لعبة القاموس في 1! تجربة شخصيا لماذا هذه اللعبة هومدهش جدا!تاريخ المرح واللعب الآن!★ الألغاز مثيرة مع كل مستوى جديد! ★فتح المستوى التالي من خلال الكشف عن كلمة خفية وراء الصورة!★ لا مشاحنات ورسوم خفية! ★لا توجد قواعد معقدة والخطوات، لا التسجيلات، أي رسوم ورسوم! مجردمتعةخالصة والتعلم!★ تعلم والمتعة! ★ليس فقط المرة الماضية ولكن هذه اللعبة يحفز الدماغ ويحسنالمنطقلمعرفة كلمة مخفية في الصورة!hal 'ant kalimat eabaqari? thumm hadhih allluebat hu lk!Pictionary hi luebat laghz kalimat mimma yusaeid ealaatahsinal'iibdaei, walmufradat, walmuntiq. 'annaha luebatanmuthiratantazhar 4 alssuar alty tasawwur 1 kalimatan mushtaraka.'annahasurat luebat alqamus fi 1! tajribatan shakhsiaan limadhahadhihallluebat hu mudahhash jdda! tarikh almarh walllaebalan!★ al'alghaz muthiratan mae kl mustawaa jdyd! ★fath almustawaa alttali min khilal alkashf ean kalimat khafiatwara'alssurat!★ la mushahinat warusum khafia! ★la tujad qawaeid mueaqqadat walkhutuatu, la alttasjilat, 'ayrusumwrswm! mjrd muteat khalisat walttaelum!★ taelam walmutaea! ★lays faqat almarrat almadiat walakun hadhih allluebatyahfazalddimagh wayuhassin almantiq limaerifat kalimat makhfiatfialssura!Are you a wordgenius?Then this game is for you!Pictionary is a word puzzle game which helps to improvecreativity,vocabulary, and logic. It's an exciting game 4 showimages thatdepict one common word. It's a picture of the dictionaryin onegame! Personally experience why this game is so amazing! Dateoffun and play now! ★ puzzles exciting with each new level! ★Open the next level by revealing the hidden word behindthepicture! ★ No hassle hidden fees! ★There are no rules and complex steps, no recordings, no feesandfees! Just pure fun and learning! ★ learn and have fun! ★Not only the last time, but this game stimulates the brainandimproves logic to figure out the word hidden in thepicture!hal 'ant kalimat eabaqari? thumm hadhih allluebat hu lk!Pictionary hi luebat laghz kalimat mimma yusaeid ealaatahsinal'iibdaei, walmufradat, walmuntiq. 'Annaha luebatanmuthiratantazhar 4 alssuar alty tasawwur 1 kalimatan mushtaraka.'Annahasurat luebat alqamus fi 1! tajribatan shakhsiaan limadhahadhihallluebat hu mudahhash jdda! tarikh almarh walllaebalan! ★ al'alghaz muthiratan mae kl mustawaa jdyd! ★fath almustawaa alttali min khilal alkashf ean kalimat khafiatwara'alssurat! ★ la mushahinat warusum khafia! ★la tujad qawaeid mueaqqadat walkhutuatu, la alttasjilat, 'ayrusumwrswm! mjrd muteat khalisat walttaelum! ★ taelam walmutaea! ★lays faqat almarrat almadiat walakun hadhih allluebatyahfazalddimagh wayuhassin almantiq limaerifat kalimat makhfiatfialssura!
Guess the Emojis - Sports 2.1.5e
Ninja Moves
Big people in the sports industry likeNBA,Football, Baseball were given emojis by the other people orbytheir fans.Featuring in this game is our Philippines boxing legendMannyPacquiao.Featuring NBA Players:1. Michael Jordan2. Dennis Rodman3. Bill Russell4. Dikembe Mutombo5. Kobe Bryant6. Marcin Gortat7. Andre Drummond8. Stephen Curry and more....Also featuring baseball players:1. Andres Galarraga2. Reggie Jackson3. Ozzie Smith4. Shane Vvictorino5. Darryl Strawberry6. Joe Dimaggio7. Pablo Sandoval and many moreEmojis like movies are coming up.Analyze the emojis and unlock the next level.Download now and enjoy playing.
EMOJInation Habla: Emoji nuevo 2.2.5e
Ninja Moves
EMOJInation Speaks es un juego EMOJI.Gentegrande en la industria deportiva como NBA, Fútbol,​​Béisbolrecibieron emojis por las otras personas o por sus fans.Presentando en este juego es nuestro Filipinas leyenda delboxeoManny Pacquiao.Con jugadores NBA:1. Michael Jordan2. Dennis Rodman3. Bill Russell4. Dikembe Mutombo5. Kobe Bryant6. Marcin Gortat7. André Drummond8. Stephen Curry y más ....También con jugadores de béisbol:1. Andrés Galarraga2. Reggie Jackson3. Ozzie Smith4. Shane Vvictorino5. Darryl Fresa6. Joe Dimaggio7. Pablo Sandoval y muchos másEmojis como las películas están llegando.Analice los emojis y desbloquee el siguiente nivel.Descarga ahora y disfruta jugando.EMOJInation Speaks isagame EMOJI. big people in the sports industry as NBA,Soccer,Baseball emoji received by other people or by their fans.Presenting in this game is our Philippine boxing legendMannyPacquiao.NBA players:1. Michael Jordan2. Dennis Rodman3. Bill Russell4. Dikembe Mutombo5. Kobe Bryant6. Marcin Gortat7. Andre Drummond8. Stephen Curry and more ....Also with baseball players:1. Andres Galarraga2. Reggie Jackson3. Ozzie Smith4. Shane Vvictorino5. Darryl Strawberry6. Joe Dimaggio7. Pablo Sandoval and many moreEmojis as movies are coming.Analyze emojis and unlock the next level.Download now and enjoy playing.
Guess the App 2.1.5e
Ninja Moves
Guess the App: WazzApp is available nowinGoogle Play. its FREE!Guess the App: WazzApp is an exciting App-guessing gameshowinglogos and icons of various apps. We have compiled the mostfamousapps commonly used by android users everyday.If you are an App-Master, challenge yourself and your friendsandprove your skills!Wazz App features a variation of apps including strategy gameslikeLord's mobile and clash of clans, word games, trivia apps, andalot more.The game also features helpful clues and hints to aid inbreezingthrough the levels.Guess the app to Unlock WazzApp levels.Play now and have fun!Help us share and tweet. Share Guess the App: WazzApp.
Mobile Legends Quiz: Bang Bang 3.1.0k
Ninja Moves
Join your friends in a brand new 5v5MOBAshowdown against real human opponents, Mobile Legends! Chooseyourfavorite heroes and build the perfect team withyourcomrades-in-arms!Features:1. Guess the name of your favorite heroes in the game, theirskilland abilities and gears they use.2. Use the HINT to answer the question whether to remove thelettersor reveal the answer.3. Get FREE coins after joining the game.4. Get FREE coins by watching the video clips or sharing the gametoFB.Download and play NOW!